Thursday, April 19, 2007

That shit is croosh, yo.

croosh (adj.), (n.)

1. Short form of "crucial," describes anything that is particularly noteworthy or commendable; expresses that something is an object of high appeal.

"That shit is croosh, yo."
"Lotta girls at the party Saturday; shit was croosh."

2. Very good, excellent, superior, heady

"Some say the grass is greener on the other side, but I say the grass is always croosh where you are. "

"Hey! Great news!"
"Did you get a promotion?"
"No, I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico, but that shit would be croosh too."

3. A delightful lot of marijuana (derived from crucial)

"That shit was the croosh."


Overheard in Midcity said...

This post was hella croosh.

Anonymous said...

i cannot wait to use this in conversation!

Overheard in Midcity

Chronicles the quotes and quips of PR consultants in the city of spin.
"No billable hours were harmed during postings to this blog."