Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Scene: CW passes by JD's cube and notices a strange sign hanging up. It says "FRIENDS WITH"

CW: Who are you friends with?
JD: Huh?
CW: Are you friends with books?
JD: Ohhhh...noooo...that's the other half of the sign down there (points to the Benefits Corner).
CW: What? Are you talking about the Benefits Corner? Is your friend down there?
JD: Noooo...

By now, a small crowd has gathered including JH, PC, & MW. They are already looking at CW in disbelief.

CW: Ok, wait. Benefits corner...friends...with...?
JD: Other way!
CW: Friends with...benefits...corner? Friends with benefits corner.

Everyone is looking at CW wondering if she has any clue what that means...

CW: You guys...!

CW is shaking her head and walks away.

1 comment:

Overheard in Midcity said...

Definitely a classic moment in Overheard lore.

Overheard in Midcity

Chronicles the quotes and quips of PR consultants in the city of spin.
"No billable hours were harmed during postings to this blog."