Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Power Suit, Power Tie, Power Steering...

RS: How was golfing yesterday?
JF: It was fine, but have you ever seen JL without a suit on? That man is ripped!
(the next evening RS enters the elevator with JL)
JL: Any fun plans for the night?
RS: Going to the gym?
JL: Do you go to the one here?
RS: No, in VA.
JL: Oh, I workout in the one here every morning.
RS: I know, JF told me.
(JL looks uncomfortable)

1 comment:

intellectual imperialist said...

I am so glad this is post-JF era...

Overheard in Midcity

Chronicles the quotes and quips of PR consultants in the city of spin.
"No billable hours were harmed during postings to this blog."